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Early voting starts March 15; what's on your ballot?


Early voting starts on Saturday, March 15 for the March 29 election.

On the ballot for the election are several local offices, as well as some local propositions and four proposed amendments to the state Constitution.

Here are important dates, provided by the Louisiana Secretary of State:

  • Early voting is March 15-22 (excluding Sunday, March 16) from 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
  • The deadline to request an absentee ballot is March 25 by 4:30 p.m (other than military and overseas voters). You can request an absentee ballot online through our Voter Portal or in writing through your Registrar of Voters Office.
  • The deadline for a registrar of voters to receive a voted absentee ballot is March 28 by 4:30 p.m. (other than military and overseas voters).
  • On election day, the polls are open from 7 a.m.-8 p.m.

The proposed Constitutional amendments are on all ballots. There listed below, but you can find more detailed info here.

Here's what is on Acadiana ballots, arranged by parish. Several candidates have been elected because they were the only one who qualified.

Sales Tax District No. 2 Proposition
(Sales Tax Renewal)
Shall Sales Tax District No. 2 of the Parish of Acadia, State of Louisiana (the "District"), be authorized to continue to levy and collect a sales and use tax of 1% (the "Tax") (an estimated $3,800,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the Tax for an entire year) in accordance with Louisiana law, for a period of 15 years from April 1, 2027, with the proceeds of the Tax (after paying the reasonable and necessary expenses of collecting and administering the Tax), to be dedicated and used for the purpose of repairing, constructing, improving and maintaining Parish roads and bridges in the unincorporated areas of the Parish, including incidental drainage in connection therewith and acquiring equipment therefor?

City of New Iberia Proposition
(Sales Tax)
Shall the City of New Iberia, State of Louisiana (the "City"), be authorized to levy and collect in accordance with Louisiana law a sales and use tax of 0.25% (the "Tax") (an estimated $2,000,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the Tax for an entire year), in perpetuity, commencing July 1, 2025, with the proceeds of the Tax (after paying the reasonable and necessary costs and expenses of collecting and administering the Tax), to be used solely to pay salaries and benefits of personnel for the fire department of the City, including an initial raise for such personnel in the first full fiscal year following the effective date of the Tax?

Fire Protection District No. 1 Proposition
Shall Fire Protection District No. 1 of the Parish of Iberia, State of Louisiana (the "District"), levy a 3.50 mills tax on all the property subject to taxation within the District (an estimated $1,400,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2025 and ending with the year 2034, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating fire protection facilities and equipment, including the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes, and all purposes incidental thereto, provided that a portion of the Tax proceeds is required to be contributed to state and statewide retirement systems as provided in R.S. 11:82?

Parishwide Proposition
(Library Millage Continuation)
Shall the Parish of Iberia, State of Louisiana (the "Parish"), continue to levy a special tax of 4.50 mills on all the property subject to taxation in the Parish (an estimated $2,654,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2025 and ending with the year 2034, for the purpose of operating and maintaining public libraries in the Parish?

Constable(s) Justice of the Peace Ward 2
Geno Delafose, Democrat
Ricky L. Duhon, Democrat

Mayor City of Jennings
Melvin J. Adams, Democrat
Christopher "Chris" Carrier, Democrat
Henry Guinn, Republican

Councilman District A, City of Jennings
Marcus Davis, No Party
Elisha Neal Duhon, Republican
Carolyn King Simon, No Party

Councilman District B, City of Jennings
William J. "Johnny" Armentor, Republican
Wayne Ledbetter, Republican

Councilman District C, City of Jennings
Carl P. Benoit, Independent
Clifton LeJeune, Republican

Councilman District D, City of Jennings
Anthony LeBlanc Jr., Democrat
Ray Touchet, Democrat

Gravity Drainage District No. 6 Proposition
(Millage Renewal)
Shall Gravity Drainage District No. 6 of Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana (the "District"), be authorized to continue to levy and collect a tax of 5.73 mills on all property subject to taxation within the District (an estimated $185,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2026 and ending with the year 2035, for the purpose of maintaining, constructing and improving drainage works within the District, title to which shall be in the public?

Parishwide Proposition No. 1 of 2
(Millage Continuation)
Shall the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana (the "Parish"), continue to levy a special tax of 4.47 mills on all property subject to taxation in the Parish (an estimated $12,743,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2027 and ending with the year 2036, for the purpose of constructing, improving and maintaining roads and bridges in the Parish, said millage to be continued at the rate currently being levied, representing a 0.30 mill increase (due to reappraisal) over the 4.17 mills authorized to be levied through the year 2026 pursuant to an election held on March 28, 2015?

Parishwide Proposition No. 2 of 2
(Millage Continuation)
Shall the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana (the "Parish"), continue to levy a special tax of 3.81 mills (the "Tax") on all property subject to taxation in the Parish, for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2026 and ending with the year 2035 (an estimated $10,861,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the Tax for an entire year), for the following purposes: (i) 1.24 mills for constructing, acquiring, improving and maintaining drains and drainage facilities in the Parish; (ii) 0.422 mills for providing fire protection in the Parish and all costs affiliated thereto; (iii) 0.078 mills for constructing, improving, and maintaining roads and bridges in the Parish; and (iv) 2.07 mills for constructing, improving, maintaining, operating and supporting public health units, mosquito and other arthropod abatement and control facilities and programs and animal control facilities and programs, acquiring furnishings and equipment therefor, and paying mandated expenses of the coroner, said millage to be continued at the rate currently being levied, representing a 0.25 mill increase (due to reappraisal) over the 3.56 mills tax authorized to be levied through the year 2025 pursuant to an election held on March 28, 2015?

Fire Protection District No. 3 Proposition
(Millage Renewal)
Shall Fire Protection District No. 3 of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana (the "District"), continue to levy a special tax of 10.36 mills on all property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $2,422,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2026 and ending with the year 2035, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating the District's fire protection facilities, and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes, provided that a portion of the Tax proceeds is required to be contributed to state and statewide retirement systems as provided in R.S. 11:82?

Member of School Board District 7
Lawrence Guillory, Republican
Carla B. Pellerin, Independent

Councilman District B, City of Abbeville
Rachel Touchet Mouton, Republican
Francis J. Plaisance, Republican

Here's the info on the amendments from the Secretary of State: