

Emotional Gueydan seniors receive diplomas in socially distant ceremony

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Emotions ran high in Vermilion Parish Thursday evening as 35 Gueydan High School seniors picked up their diplomas during a socially distant graduation ceremony.

Many seniors said they had many mixed emotions as they closed this chapter in their lives.

One by one, the seniors at Gueydan High walked inside an empty gym and walked across the stage to receive their diplomas.

It's a much different graduation than the one Arnold Hanks has been dreaming of for years.

"It is upsetting, because I want my class to be there, and be able to throw my cap in the air with my friends and family. It is a big part we're missing," Hanks said.

Senior Emma Guidry added, "I'm happy I graduated but I want to cry because I didn't get to have my whole family there."

Guidry walked across the street to her high school one last time. The oldest of eight, Guidry planned to have a large group in the crowd. Instead, she had only her parents there to cheer her on.

Her wish? "That I would have all of my family there, including all of my siblings. I couldn't even have that."

Now these seniors say they are looking forward to the future.

"I'm going to SLCC for Early Childhood [Education]," said Guidry. "It's a new chapter in my life."

"You can't hold back," Hanks finished.

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