NewsCovering Louisiana


Solons: No special session on taxes this summer

Louisiana State Capitol Building

Senate President Cameron Henry and Speaker of the House Phillip DeVillier announced today that a special session to address tax reform is not planned at this time due to the complexity of the issues needing to be addressed by lawmakers.

The Legislative Leadership says its members will continue to meet frequently with stakeholders and the public to narrow the scope of tax reform solutions while also refining plans for future legislation.

“Since adjourning in June, talks have continued with Revenue Secretary Richard Nelson and others to discuss what comprehensive tax reform would look like in Louisiana,” said President Cameron Henry. “We’ve made a lot of progress, but it’s a very complicated issue that requires continued discussion. The public deserves time to see our plans and understand the implications for their families and their businesses. We want to get this right.”

“The House is committed to tackling tax reform and plans to meet in the interim as often as it can on a number of issues including insurance, transportation, and several others to keep a spotlight on the needs of the state and develop solutions that can be brought forward next session,” said Speaker DeVillier. “We have a group of legislators this term who know we have to think differently if we’re going to make Louisiana more competitive and prosperous, and we are committed to reaching that goal in due time.”

Interim meetings of legislative committees and task forces are posted at []. Additionally, those meetings are streamed live (and archived) on both the website and the LA LEGE.