NewsCovering Louisiana


Public input sought in revised Hurricane action plan following second HUD funding


The State of Louisiana is requesting input from the public on a revised action plan to spend additional funds for Hurricanes Laura and Delta recovery.

As the result of receiving a second allocation from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Louisiana Office of Community Development is accepting public comments on a revised action plan.

The plan would include how to spend more than $1 billion in Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery funding for recovery from the 2020 hurricanes.

According to a release, when added to HUD’s first allocation of $600 million, the second allocation of $450 million raises to $1.05 billion the total amount of CDBG-DR funding available for recovery from these storms. The funding is part of the Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2022.

The new formal public comment period on the revised action plan begins today, April 1, and continues until 5 p.m. Sunday, May 1, 2022.

In addition to revising the plan, the state will host another round of public hearings to gather public input. Comments already received will be included in the final plan.

The new action plan and the ability to submit public comments are available on the OCD website here. The new schedule of public hearings is available here.

After accepting public comments, the state will submit the plan to HUD for final federal approval. Once HUD approves the plan, the state can access the federal funds and launch the following Restore Louisiana 2020 programs:

  • Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program to address the rehabilitation of owner-occupied households, with a focus on serving the most vulnerable populations
  • Affordable rental and homeless prevention programs to repair and increase the inventory of affordable rental housing for affected renters and provide rental assistance and support services to households displaced by the disaster and at risk of becoming homeless
  • Economic recovery and revitalization programs that provide loans, grants and technical assistance to small businesses
  • Infrastructure and non-federal cost-share assistance programs
  • Mitigation investments that improve resilience.

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