NewsCovering Louisiana


Pediatricians join LDH in urging parents protect children with COVID vaccine

Louisiana Department of Health releases maternal mortality data and recommendations to guide improvements
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In a public letter released Thursday, May 20, state pediatricians are urging parents and caregivers to protect eligible children against COVID-19 with the Pfizer vaccine.

In the letter pediatricians make the case that vaccines are needed to ensure the a safe return to school and summer activities for students.

They also state vaccines are vital for the protection of families.

The letter includes signatories representing the Louisiana Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics; LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine; Tulane University School of Medicine; Ochsner Health; Our Lady of the Lake Children's Health and LSU Health Shreveport.

The FDA authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine for this age group last week, and the CDC recommended the use of the vaccine [] for this age group on May 12.

Read the full letter here or see below:

"As pediatricians, we share your goal of keeping your child healthy and safe. The health and well-being of all children in Louisiana is our utmost responsibility and priority. We are proud of the many families who have volunteered to participate in the research studies that have brought us safe and effective vaccines to combat COVID-19. They volunteered so we all might have the opportunity to protect our children and, by extension, everyone else in our families. For adolescents 12 years of age and older and their families, that opportunity is now here.

The FDA’s recent authorization of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in 12- to 15-year-olds and the CDC’s strong recommendation adds an essential tool to the proven strategies that have kept our children safe during the past school year. The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has been shown to be safe and provides a strong immune response against the virus, particularly in adolescents. Importantly, it has also been shown to substantially reduce the chance one might unknowingly pass the virus on to someone else. Thankfully, the most significant challenges of the 2020-21 school year are behind us now, and the availability of COVID-19 vaccines brings hope that the “normal” we all seek for our children and our families will come soon.

While most children have been spared serious complications, many have become ill with COVID-19, and some have been hospitalized and died. COVID-19 has spread through families, causing fear, disruption and sacrifice. Sadly, COVID-19 has already claimed the lives of over 10,000 Louisianans, including 7 children. Vaccination of adults and children is necessary to prevent the continued spread of this virus in our communities and the emergence of the variants that threaten to prolong this pandemic.

By their social nature, teens have proven to be very effective spreaders of COVID-19. The availability of COVID vaccines in 12- to 15-year-olds can make the coming school year safer and more normal, but only if families and adolescents choose to get vaccinated.

As the summer begins, we strongly encourage parents of children ages 12 and up to find out where COVID-19 vaccines are available in your area and to schedule your child for their vaccination as soon as possible. This is especially important for those who will be attending summer camps, traveling, spending time with friends, working summer jobs and going back to school in August. Vaccination against COVID-19 is important for the health of all our children.

This past year has brought challenges and disruptions to all of our lives, especially for our children. It has been our greatest honor to navigate these unprecedented times with you and your family to ensure the well-being of all children. Just as we navigated the early terrifying days of this pandemic together, we are here to help your children return to a sense of normalcy. For that reason, we urge that every child 12 years of age and older receive the COVID-19 vaccine and are caught up on other vaccinations that may be overdue. If you have questions or concerns about the COVID-19 vaccines, please schedule a visit with or call your pediatrician to discuss your concerns.

We know, and many Louisianans will agree, the risk to your child and to your family of remaining unvaccinated is too great."

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