NewsCovering Louisiana


Louisiana activates Emergency Operations Center due to wildfire threat


The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness has activated the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) due to hundreds of wildfires impacting the state. GOHSEP and the other state agencies responsible for response to this type event will help coordinate resources to combat the fires and stop new wildfire threats.

"State agencies will review support requests from our local partners and do everything reasonably possible to assist them in their response,” said GOHSEP Director Casey Tingle. “Wildfires in Beauregard Parish have grown tremendously over the past 24 hours. Emergency officials have ordered evacuations near Merryville and a significant area has been impacted. Hundreds of other fires have been reported across the state over the past several weeks.”

Governor John Bel Edwards declared a state of emergency earlier this month due to the extreme heat and drought conditions. The Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s Office, in coordination with the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, issued a statewide burn ban on August 7.

“It is extremely important that the public adhere to the burn ban,” said Tingle. “Crews fighting these fires are becoming strained due to the ongoing problems. We all play a role in preventing additional problems. Weather experts say this has been the hottest, driest summer to date for portions of the state. The dangerous fire conditions will likely continue for an extended period of time.”

According to the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, the number of wildfires has grown tremendously since the conditions started.

LDAF Report:

  • May         21 Fires/74 Acres
  • June        65 Fires/297 Acres
  • July         128 Fires/1,362 Acres
  • August    357 Fires/4,909 Acres (as of 08/21/23)

Find more tips on weather and preparedness on GOHSEP’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. The Get A Game Plan App is another resource available to help you and your family prepare for any type emergency. You download the Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Guide and find other information at

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