NewsCovering Louisiana


Karen Carter Peterson resigns from state senate

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After 22 years as a member of the Louisiana Legislature, State Senator Karen Carter Peterson of New Orleans has resigned.

The resignation, according to a statement from Peterson, is due to her continued struggles with depression and a gambling problem.

Her resignation became effective at noon on Friday, April 8, 2022. Peterson, a Democrat, releases a full statement on her resignation.

Read that below:

"Since 1999, I’ve had the privilege to serve as a member of the Louisiana Legislature offering passionate and vigorous advocacy on behalf of the people of this great state. I am hopeful that my decades of service have had a positive impact on the lives of those for whom I have fought. I truly believe I have helped to advance our beloved state forward. I am proud of my years of service in Baton Rouge and sincerely thank my constituents for giving me the opportunity to represent their interests. I am also very grateful for all of the personal and professional support I have received from my colleagues, legislative staff, advocates, friends and family. As I’ve previously shared, I have personally struggled with depression and a gambling addiction for the entirety of my legislative career; in fact, it has been close to 30 years. At this time, I must place all of my energy on my own mental health and personal well-being and therefore have tendered my resignation effective immediately. Today, I am truly blessed to have the things that are most important in life: a loving relationship with my God and my family. I will be focused on my recovery and will continue to address those challenges resulting from my addiction. It is my intention to continue my service in the months and years to come in an area that will help others avoid the devastation, guilt, shame and pain of this insidious disease. I humbly ask for prayers and support as I continue my journey of recovery and redemption. God Bless the State of Louisiana."

According to the Advocate, Senate President Page Cortez said he will likely call for the special election to coincide with the congressional elections in November, but needs more information before he chooses the date.

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