NewsCovering Louisiana


In Ida's Path: Houma-Terrebonne

terrebonne Ida
Terrebonne Parish gov building.jpg
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The process of assessing the damage left behind by Hurricane Ida has begun in Terrebonne Parish.

On Monday, water remained high in the southern part of the parish outside of the Morganza levee system. Many roadways were still impassable, blocked by trees, power poles and debris.

“Before we can begin the systematic process of letting residents and evacuees back into the parish, roads must be cleared and down power lines must be checked,” said Parish President Gordon Dove.

Parish efforts are being coordinated with Terrebonne Parish Sheriff, Tim Soignet and other first responders.

Dove said that there is no timeline on when residents and evacuees will be able return to their homes in the Houma area.

Roadways will need to be cleared and electricity, water, sewage, and functional communications services restored before reentry is allowed, he said.

When reentry is announced, Dove said it will be coordinated according to plan through fifteen (15) checkpoints manned by law enforcement personnel and Louisiana National Guard.

Additional assets are staging near Terrebonne Parish to help with damage assessments, critical repairs, and organized search and rescue efforts.

Dove said that the TCU Food Bank is functional but service will be coordinated through the Terrebonne EOC so that strategic supplies are routed to necessary locations.

No food will be distributed at the Food Bank. Distribution locations will posted through EOC and parish officials when it is safe to travel in the parish.

Broken water lines at the Schriever Water Plant have caused some disruption to distribution. Personnel, Dove said, are working to find and repair those lines. The Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1 is working to restore water service in Terrebonne Parish.

Personnel are also working to bring the Houma Water Plant into full operation in order to restore full water service to the two hospitals in the parish.

A boil water advisory is in effect until further notice.

“We completely understand the desire of our residents to return to their homes and loved ones. We also want this to happen as soon as possible, but in a safe and orderly manner,” said Parish President Gordon Dove. “My Administration, our EOC and its Emergency Support personnel, Sheriff Tim Soignet, the Houma Police and Fire Departments and all first responders and service providers in the parish are working as quickly as possible to make this happen."

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