Baton Rouge Blues Festival & Foundation announced that the 2021 edition of the Baton Rouge Blues Festival has been canceled.
The decision to cancel, organizers say, was based on the ongoing public health emergency and the current growth of Covid 19 cases in Louisiana, specifically Baton Rouge. The festival was scheduled for September 18, 2021.
"This decision is based on preserving the health and safety of attendees, volunteers, partners and vendors. The Blues Heritage Awards slated for Thursday, September 16 is also being postponed," they said.
Festival organizers say they have set their sights on April of 2022 and plan for our regularly scheduled late Spring Baton Rouge Blues Festival.
Refunds will be made available for those who have purchased passes.
"We look forward to seeing everyone in Downtown Baton Rouge next April and until then we encourage everyone to adhere to protocols and recommendations put forth by public health officials."
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