

LCG holds Thursday press briefing on COVID-19

and last updated

Update - 2:52

LCG Chief Communications Officer Jamie Angelle gave an update on the second day of testing in Lafayette after two positive cases of COVID-19 came back in Lafayette Parish.

Angelle was joined only by a signing interpreter and said that Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Region 4 Medical Director Dr. Tina Stefanski had been called away on other business just minutes before the press conference was to begin.

Angelle also addressed complaints that LCG and other local leaders were not practicing "social distancing" during press conferences as they have been advising the public to do.

According to Angelle, there were no new cases of COVID-19 in Lafayette Parish other than the two cases announced Wednesday night, but that they expected that number to rise in the next few days.

There were more people tested at the Cajundome site Thursday with seven people in total tested for COVID-19. It takes about 7-10 days for them to receive those results.

Angelle said he estimated that less than 200 were screened Thursday and that everyone who came to the Cajundome was seen. He added that they did not run out of tests Thursday and still had some left over after screening had ended.

Angelle said that LCG is planning to adjust the hours of the screening site at the Cajundome because the majority of traffic seems to come in the morning rather than in the afternoon, but that a final decision had not yet been made.

LCG has other screening sites waiting on standby but as of now they are not opening other screening sites as the main one at the Cajundome is successfully screening everyone who comes.

Angelle also said that the 311 calling line is working after LCG received complaints that it was being overloaded. He stressed that 311 should only be used for screening questions only and that general questions should be directed to the statewide 211 line.

According to LCG's metrics, the number of people using the 311 line is 1,186 and that the delays that callers seem to be experiencing are being worked on.

Angelle also announced that a second team of call takers is being established to help field calls coming into 311 and that more details would be coming before the next scheduled press conference.

You can watch Thursday's press conference in full below.

Original story:

A press briefing will be held Thursday at 2:30 pm at Lafayette City Hall on COVID-19.

LCG Chief Communications Officer Jamie Angelle and Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Region 4 Medical Director Dr. Tina Stefanski will have an update on the status and precautions related to COVID-19 in Lafayette Parish and Louisiana.

An emergency press conference was held Wednesday night to report the first two confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Lafayette Parish.

A screening site opened Wednesday at the Cajundome. There were hundreds of residents screenedand more than 90 COVID-19 tests administered on the first day.

The briefing will be held at Lafayette Consolidated Government City Hall, 705 W. University Ave., Lafayette.

If you have any questions on the coronavirus, dial 211.

For COVID-19 screening questions for Lafayette Parish residents, dial 311. The call center is being staffed 24/7 by healthcare professionals from the Schumacher Group.