

LDOE recommends distance learning for schools after closures extended

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The Louisiana Department of Education released a statement Thursday about next steps for school systems in response to Gov. John Bel Edwards's extension of his Stay-At-Home order and school facility closures until April 30.

According to a release from LDOE, Acting State Superintendent Beth Scioneaux and state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education President Sandy Holloway issued the following joint statement for school systems.

School facilities may remain closed, but the education and well-being of our students and their families continue to be a top priority. For this reason, it is critical that school systems engage with students and families, including by providing distance education opportunities. This not only ensures academic progress and social support for students and families; it provides stability during an uncertain and unprecedented time.

Many school systems quickly embarked on this work, and we commend them for demonstrating creativity and ingenuity to serve the needs of their unique communities.

As we move forward, we, at the Louisiana Department of Education and BESE, stand committed to supporting school systems as they make local decisions regarding distance education opportunities and the remainder of the school year, and to fulfilling our collective mission of serving every child, every day.

The statement comes after state education officials released information to local schools regarding seniors expecting to graduate this spring.

LDOE also issued guidance to school systems regarding distance education opportunities for all students, including those with disabilities.

LDOE says that all related guidance and resources can be found on its COVID-19 web page.