

Kennedy releases statement on CARES Act

Posted 11:48 PM, Mar 26, 2020
and last updated 11:48 PM, Mar 26, 2020

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., released a statement on Thursday after the U.S. Senate passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, along with additional emergency funding.

The statement from Kennedy said:

The coronavirus has hit Louisiana hard and nearly ground the gears of our economy to a halt. People’s lives and their livelihoods depend on a swift, comprehensive response to this pandemic. The size and scope of spending in this bill is significant, but inaction in the face of this unprecedented challenge would be reckless.

The CARES Act is the best path open to preserving and reviving our economy as we battle the coronavirus in Louisiana communities and around the country. Of course, this bill is far from perfect, but it gives families, workers and employers the resources they need to be resilient.

This virus poses a unique health risk, and we know that poverty can also threaten lives. Understanding that, I voted today to protect the wellbeing of Louisianans now and into the future by investing in medical services, families, workers and businesses.

According to a release from Kennedy, the CARES Act includes significant provisions to protect the health and wellbeing of Louisianians. These include resources for medical care, small businesses, workers and key industries.

Medical care:

  • The CARES Act provides coronavirus testing at no cost to patients and requires private insurance plans to cover testing costs,
  • ensures the coronavirus vaccine is free to recipients,
  • includes $117 billion for hospitals and veterans’ health care,
  • includes $11 billion for vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics and other preparedness measures,
  • includes $4.3 billion for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
  • includes $1.5 billion for state and local health responders,
  • includes $45 billion for the FEMA disaster relief fund and
  • includes $16 billion for the Strategic National Stockpile to improve access to supplies needed for national security and pandemic recovery.

Small businesses:

  • The CARES Act includes $450 billion for loans, loan guarantees and investments to support eligible businesses, states and municipalities,
  • authorizes main street lending at the Federal Reserve to be leveraged up to $4 trillion,
  • allows small businesses to delay paying payroll taxes,
  • provides $350 billion in guaranteed Small Business Administration loans for businesses and non-profits with 500 or fewer employees, including those who are self-employed or part of the gig economy, allowing funds to pay employee salaries, wages, cash tips, sick leave, employee group health care benefits and insurance premiums, retirement contributions and covered leave,
  • offers loans immediately and would waive affiliation rules for small businesses in the hospitality and restaurant industries, certain franchises and businesses receiving financing through the Small Business Investment Company program and
  • waives the early withdrawal penalty for qualified retirement accounts up to $100,000 for reasons related to the coronavirus.


  • The CARES Act provides $1,200 checks to individuals and $2,400 to couples in low- and middle-income households, with payments increasing by $500 per child per household,
  • makes more workers eligible for unemployment benefits and provides them with $600 per week for up to four months, allowing the Department of Labor to approve funds for states lacking the resources to make these payments,
  • provides $1.5 billion to support economic development grants for areas impacted by the coronavirus,
  • provides $1 billion in loans to the rural business and industry loan guarantee program,
  • provides $300 million to provide direct financial assistance to all manner of fishers, fishery participants and communities that have been affected by the coronavirus and
  • provides $25 million for the learning, telemedicine and broadband grants program.

Key industries and state and local governments:

  • The CARES Act establishes a $500 billion economic stabilization fund to support industries, states and cities,
  • includes $150 billion to supplement state and local government budgets,
  • provides an estimated $1.8 billion to Louisiana to fund coronavirus-related assistance,
  • provides $25 billion in collateralized loans for airlines and
  • provides $17 billion in collateralized loans for businesses critical to maintaining national security.

The CARES Act now heads to the U.S. House of Representatives where it will be voted on Friday. If it passes there, it will then be sent to President Donald Trump to be signed into law.