

Cooler, breezy rest of week; nice looking weekend

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Another warm one across Acadiana today, but a cold front will sweep through this evening.

Winds will be picking up out of the NNW behind the boundary.

Acadiana Wind FORECAST RPM Rob.png

Turning cooler as we see overnight lows dropping into the upper 40s to lower 50s as skies clear.

ICAST Next 4n8 Hour Temps Rob 24hr.png
Overnight Lows

Beautiful spring weather on the way Thursday.

ICAST Next 48 Hour Temps Rob 24hr.png
Afternoon Highs

Expect plenty of sunshine as highs settle into the lower 70s.

Breezy northwesterly winds into the afternoon at around 15-20 mph.

Even chillier Thursday night/Friday morning with lows in the mid-40s.

Another beauty out there Friday as temperatures struggle to reach the lower 70s.

Winds will remain breezy out of the northwest.

We'll keep the nice weather weather going into the weekend.

Our mornings will remain cool to chilly.

Warmer afternoons as highs push the upper 70s both Saturday and Sunday.

Back to the 80s heading into next week, and with that, we'll see the return of some scattered rain chances.

Have a great rest of the week!

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