

Contraceptive options available for women; Planned Parenthood confirms 18 different methods

Contraceptive options available for women; Planned Parenthood confirms 18 different methods
SCOTUS upholds law that allows employers to refuse birth control coverage on religious grounds
Posted 11:50 PM, Jun 29, 2022
and last updated 12:55 PM, Jun 30, 2022

LAFAYETTE — According to Planned Parenthood, there are 18 different methods of birth control ranging from low maintenance, to scheduled use, to everyday lifestyle.

"There are barrier methods and there is natural family planning, which is basically being aware of your body and not having sex when you're fertile", says UL physician, Dr. Chris Hayes.

"There are hormonal methods and then there are methods that can be either a hormonal or other mechanisms like IUDs."

The most favored contraceptives including pills, to a shot or an implant.

Even abstinence.

But which method is the most effective? Katie Douglas, a labor and delivery nurse, says that depends on the person.

"It's very dependent on how good are you taking medication", says Douglas. "What's your current plan of how and where are you health wise, because there are certain birth control treatment that may not be as helpful."

The demand for morning after pills increasing, forcing stores to limit purchase for buyers.

But on the opposing side, Brenda DesOrmeaux, a 50-year advocate of the pro-life movement, believes family planning is the best method of birth control.

"There is no contraceptive that is 100% effective. Contraceptives don't work", says DesOrmeaux. "The only one is don't engage in sex outside of marriage... natural family planning."

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