

Abby's Apps: P3 Tips

The P3 App
and last updated

Law enforcement officials across the nation are hoping to expand their reach and solve more crimes. They'll need the help of the public to do this and in order to get the younger generation on board, the P3 tips app was created.

With the app, you can report an incident that took place nearly anywhere.

You select your location, then select a category for what type of incident you're reporting and fill in the blanks for details.

Just like the Crimestoppers hotline, on the app you remain completely anonymous.

P3 can also be used in schools to report suspicious activity or bullying incidents. In these cases, a student will select their school on the location list, rather than their city.

After you report something go back the app to add more information to your tip or see what progress has been made.

Once a tip is submitted, the information will be reviewed by law enforcement for appropriate action.

Of course, in an emergency, you should dial 911 before using P3 tips.