Just days before the presidential inauguration in Washington D.C., supporters of the outgoing administration gathered in Lafayette Saturday.
The event, called the "Hold the Line" rally, attracted dozens of people and some spoke about why they chose to protest.
They held signs, waved flags, and shouted support for the Trump administration, at one of the busiest intersections in Lafayette - Ambassador Caffery and Johnston Street.
"It's just not right to take away his freedom of speech, and while I have the freedom to assemble I'll be here to show support," Trump supporter Rosanne Willerford said.
Most who spoke say they thought the election wasn't fair or legitimate.
"I don't have evidence, but I believe it to be true. They say they have evidence that fraud was done and I believe it," said another supporter, Sheila Hebert.
Besides showing their support, some also wanted to share their fears for the future.
"I am afraid of a socialist country and I think Trump doesn't want us there and I'm behind him for that," Aundria Bridges stated.
The protest Saturday was peaceful and orderly and those in attendance say it's not over.
"Joe Biden is not my president and I'm going to resist the whole four years here," said Richard Vincent.
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