SUNSET, La. (KATC) — We know it, you know it. Eggs are expensive.
The cost of your average dozen Grade As hit a record-breaking high of $4.95 back in January. That's more than four times higher than they were back in January of 2005, and higher on average than reported back during the pandemic, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

We asked neighbors around Acadiana what goes through their mind at the grocery store check-out counter.
"It's a shame, such a great source of protein. Used to be pretty cheap," said Forrest Montgomery, who told us he used to eat dozens of eggs a week.
"Seems untenable, I don't know how people could keep paying those prices. That's a lot," said Elizabeth Robertson, who opts to get her eggs fresh from a local farm as an alternative for paying around the same price for eggs at the store.

With that in mind, we decided to head to T. Moise Farms in St. Landry Parish. That's where we met T. Moise himself, and his wife Monica Hernandez, who have owned and operated the farm for the last several years. We learned that between inflation, historically cold weather, and the bird flu to boot, a lot on the farm has changed.
"We try to keep a lot of bio-security here. So we don't have a lot of people coming that are from other farms or walking through, so we don't infect our birds," Hernandez said. "We are also watching for wild birds to see if there are any dead, any signs, but our chickens have been very healthy and maintained healthy. The weather affected us more than anything."
There are currently about 180 active hens at T. Moise Farms, but that's a number that's on the uptick after taking a major hit during January's winter storm when the power went out.
"I tried to get my generators going, I couldn't get it going, and just in that short time, they piled up on each other and by the time I got it back on [...] there was no hope," T. Moise told us. "I can slaughter an animal, I can process it, but when it dies like that, it just does something. I can't explain it."
Not to mention, inflated prices for necessities. When we asked T. Moise and Hernandez how much more they pay for things like feed, supplies, and general upkeep now compared to five years ago, they said it's to the tune of a 30 percent increase.
Chances are, you feel something similar in your own way when you check off your weekly grocery list.

Still, the big question remains: Will the cost of eggs go down anytime soon?

"Not right away," Hernandez said. "Because for a hen to lay, it takes about 10 to 11 months. So right now, to replace so many hens that have been killed, it's going to take at least 10 months if they start hatching the eggs now."

Don't go blaming your local farmer just yet, though.

"People have asked me, 'How are your eggs being raised? Does the flu affect you? Are your hens healthy? Does that affect the eggs?' So, people are concerned," Hernandez told us.
As for how to address those concerns, she suggests the following:
"Know your farmer. Know the farmer's hens. Make sure they are healthy and happy."
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