LAFAYETTE, La. — Two candidates are seeking election to the District 5 seat on the new Lafayette Parish Council: Abraham Rubin, Jr., and James Thomas All of the candidates are registered Democrats.
Lafayette voters decided last year to de-consolidate the Lafayette City-Parish Council. Now everyone in the parish will vote on a new parish council member, and people living in the city limits will vote on both a parish council member and a city council member. If you want to know what districts you are in, check your ballot by clicking here.
If you want to see a map of the districts, CLICK HERE:

(Democrat - #105)
Abraham Rubin's Facebook page:
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself in five sentences – who are you and what’s your background?
I was born and raised in the district that I am running in and I still live there. I’ve been working with UPS for 30 years, married for 28 years, and I have four children and one granddaughter. I‘ve been doing community service all of my life. I do an Easter egg hunt that I’ve been doing for 19 years now. I’ve adopted several schools including Alice N. Boucher Elementary School for the last 15 years and I coach everything from basketball to volleyball.
2. Why do you want to run for office?
I’ve been serving all of my life. I feel like once in office then I will be able to take the things that I’ve been doing to an all new level and be able to do a lot more in the community. I love serving. That’s it. That’s what I do. Some people have to practices that, but it comes natural to me.
3. What issue is the most important for you to tackle in your district?
I would love to be able to create more job opportunities and get money for the parish because we don’t have any money for the parish. Those would be my main issues. But, I would also like to do some things to try to invest in our future. When I say that, I’m referring to the kids. I would love to do projects for the kids, and for them to have some more to do. If we invest in our kids then our future would be a lot better.
4. What distinguishes you from other candidates?
There is only one other candidate in this race, and his name is James Thomas. James is a great young man. He’s doing great things and I see him doing great things in the future. The only difference that I see right now is that I have experience in the community and dealing with the community, which is a lot greater than his at this particular time.

(Democrat - #106)
James Thomas' Facebook page:
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself in five sentences – who are you and what’s your background?
I’m James Thomas and I’m born and raised in North Lafayette Parish. I graduated from Lafayette High School and National Paralegal College with a degree in Legal Studies. I’m currently a Transportation Specialist for the Lafayette Parish School System.
2. Why do you want to run for office?
I’m running for District 5 on the new Lafayette Parish Council because I believe in my community. My family instilled in me a deep sense of commitment to public service and giving back. I believe that our community is worth fighting for every single day and that’s why I’m running.
3. What issue is the most important for you to tackle in your district?
We have many issues to tackle in District 5 but I believe economic development and crime are two that stand out to constituents. I want to encourage business owners and developers to come to the Northside and grow North Lafayette. I want to work with the Lafayette Police Department so that we can continue to build community relationships and give them the resources they need to address crime in certain areas.
4. What distinguishes you from other candidates?
I know I’m the best candidate to represent District 5. My mom always told me the only thing in life we should ever ask for is a chance. I have taken the chance to run for this seat because I know I will fight and win for District 5. Being born and raised in the community, I know the challenges we face but I also know the opportunities. I know that we can move forward together, and I’m the right choice to be the next Parish Councilman for District 5.