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United Way grant empowers North Lafayette neighbors to grow backyard gardens

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LAFAYETTE PARISH — Fightingville Fresh Market in North Lafayette has long been committed to providing fresh food to the local community. Now, thanks to a grant from United Way of Acadiana, some residents may have the opportunity to grow their own produce right in their backyards.

"This is a food desert, so allowing people to grow their own food is something that will increase food security in the area—that's the first point," said Camila Correa, a local farmer.

The grant will equip 22 new backyard growers with the tools, seeds, plants, and knowledge needed to cultivate their own gardens. According to Kevin Ardoin, co-owner of Fightingville Fresh Market, the initiative will benefit the community in multiple ways.

"We're going to have people growing for their families, for their neighborhoods, and even for the market," Ardoin said. "There's just so much opportunity this grant is going to provide."

The program is targeted specifically at North Lafayette residents, particularly those who have difficulty accessing a grocery store. Kimberly Culotta, also a co-owner of the market, emphasized the importance of self-sufficiency in the community.

"For me, it's about communities being able to take care of themselves," Culotta said. "I really believe we can provide more for ourselves, and growing food is a big part of that."

Ardoin added that any excess produce grown by participants could be sold at the market, providing an additional source of income.

"The market is a place where not only can growers exchange ideas, but they can also bring any excess produce to share with others or reduce food waste," Correa said.

Gardens will be installed in people’s yards or property they get permission to use. Click here to apply.