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The Current takes a look at LPSS no-bid contracts


Since early 2024, Lafayette Parish School System officials have awarded millions in no-bid work to a metal building company in Scott, The Current is reporting.

Bergeron’s Metal Buildings of Scott won contracts to complete walkway covers and sidewalk canopies, remove portable buildings and replace some of their roofs, and construct a large agricultural building at Carencro High School, the newspaper reports.

The school system’s auditors have raised concerns about the way LPSS is handling construction projects as they relate to public bid laws, flagging four of them in an audit report that will be presented tonight to school board members.

The Current examined public records and conducted interviews with former employees about the system’s new processes and reports that revealed a high-pressure, often disorganized pace of spending that partitions projects or pulls out essential components to circumvent public bid law.

To read the whole story, click here.