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LDOE announces 2024 LEAP scores

Louisiana Department of Education LDOE
and last updated

LAFAYETTE, La. — State superintendent Cade Brumley announced Wednesday morning that this year's LEAP scores show consistency and improvement.

"Louisiana students have maintained their LEAP gains that have been made over the past two years," Brumley said.

Based on the numbers provided by the Louisiana Department of Education, students in grades three through 12 saw growth in proficiency levels on LEAP scores during the 2021, 2022 and 2023 school years. The 2024 numbers show last year's improvement was maintained.

2024 LEAP Scores image
Overall Mastery+ Rates for Louisiana LEAP Scores 2021 - 2024

Also included in the superintendent's presentation were the 2023-2024 Achievement & Growth Lists, which listed Vermilion Parish School System as the eighth highest school system in the state for achievement, with 45% of students earning a Mastery or higher. In Lafayette Parish, Early College Academy was listed as the fourth highest school for achievement, with 95% of students earning a Mastery or higher. In Evangeline Parish, Mamou Elementary was listed as the eighth highest school for growth.

"In a state that's been long challenged, we have a long way to go, but we have made progress over the last few years, and we're pleased to report that our students have maintained those gains," Brumley said.

But, there is still work to be done.

"Certainly we believe, with some of the policies that we're putting in place for next academic year, that once again we'll see an increase moving forward," Brumley said.

Some of those policies include:

  • a greater emphasis on math
  • the retention of third grade students not meeting proficiency levels in reading
  • the Louisiana Tutoring Initiative

The Louisiana Tutoring Initiative is made up of two programs:

  • Accelerate: High Dosage Tutoring
  • Steve Carter Tutoring Program

Accelerate: High Dosage Tutoring is a $30 million program to provide tutoring to low performing students in kindergarten through fifth grade during the school day.
The Steve Carter Tutoring Program is a $5 million program for students in kindergarten through 12th grade who are below reading and math proficiency levels.

To see the state superintendent's full presentation, click here.