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"I'm excited to see myself."
Wesley in front of his commercial
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LAFAYETTE, La. — As your family and friends gather around for one of the biggest games of the year, be sure to also pay attention to the commercials.

Wesley Lemoine, a fourth-grader at Katharine Drexel Elementary, will be featured during the game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles.

"I'm excited to see myself," Wesley said.

To see the commercial, click here.

The commercial, named "Big Brothers Big Sisters of America's Partnership with the NFL Inspire Change," wants to inspire more adults to become mentors for little sisters and little brothers around the nation.

"My brother gets to take me places, and we have field trips and we go somewhere and have a lot of fun," Wesley said.

Wesley with his Big Brother, Landon Fitzgerald

Wesley's Big Brother is Landon Fitzgerald, KATC asked him why it was so important to become a Big Brother.

"Just the issues I grew up having without having a father presence in the home were something that really affected me as a young kid," said Fitzgerald. "I started talking about the program and what it was about, and it really made the hairs stand up on my arms and made me want to make a difference."

For Wesley, this mentorship means a lot.

"I have no one to play with, so I go with him and do some stuff with his two kids," Wesley said.

Not only is Wesley excited to see himself during the big game, but he's also happy to help get the message out.

Wesley in front of the commercial

When asked if everyone should have their own Landon, Wesley nodded.

"I was just so happy for him. I mean, it’s a huge moment for a young kid like that," said Fitzgerald.

For those considering becoming a mentor to someone like Wesley, his Big Brother says, "Give it a shot. Give back to someone who might be struggling, just as someone could have helped you when you were younger."

Wesley and Landon having some fun

Despite his new star status, Wesley will still focus on the game.

"We want the Eagles to win this time," he tells KATC.

According to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Acadiana, there are currently 80 kids waiting for a Big Brother or Big Sister.

Click here if you're interested in becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister and help mentor the next generation.