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Mosquito spraying planned in Iberia Parish

Posted 1:51 PM, May 13, 2024

Iberia Parish mosquito control efforts are being scheduled this week - although weather forecasts might change them.

Because there has been a "marked increase of floodwater mosquitoes," officials are hoping to do some aerial control spraying this week.

But since the weather is forecast to be stormy this week, it's not set in stone, they say.

"Citizens will have to be prepared for modifications to scheduled operations over the next 10 to 12 days prior to Memorial Day Sunday," a release from the office states.

As of now, the Iberia Parish Mosquito Control District hopes to conduct aerial spraying on Tuesday, May 14, in the evening.

In the meantime, here are some tips to avoid the pesky insects:
Wear repellent as the label directs
Avoid activity at Dawn & Dusk
Wear light colored clothing to cover exposed skin
Eliminate mosquito breeding sites near the home!

If weather allows, aerial operations will begin near sunset and last approximately one (1.5) and one-half hours, officials say.

Follow up aerial operations are planned ahead of Memorial Day weekend, but again the weather forecasts are not favorable. The District will make every effort to reduce the biting mosquito populations, the release states.

Here's the plan:

On Tuesday, May 14: Lydia, Avery Island, south Port of Iberia, Bayou Jack, College Rd. and all points in between.

During this period, only hypersensitive individuals or persons that wish to avoid all exposure to chemicals in the designated spray area should refrain from outdoor activities; otherwise, all other citizens can proceed with normal outdoor activities, officials say.

Citizens will notice low flying aircraft --- If the aircraft is overhead DO NOT attempt to follow the path of the aircraft. The aircraft is traveling quickly and will be out of the area in a brief period, officials say.

If you have any questions or mosquito related problems feel free to contact the office at (337) 365-4933.

You can get more information by going to and clicking on “Mosquito Control”.

For more information about West Nile Virus and pesticides used for mosquito control please visit

For information regarding pesticides used for aerial spraying visit