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Iberia officials plan mosquito spraying ahead of Festival


The Iberia Parish Mosquito Abatement District will conduct aerial operations over the next several evenings ahead of the Sugar Cane Festival activities - to prepare for the many out of town guests and citizens enjoying the week of events.

Operations will focus on surrounding residential areas and the City of New Iberia. The District is urging citizens to protect themselves and the little ones against mosquito bites! It is imperative that citizens keep insect repellent handy, wear light colored clothing with long sleeves and long pants when outdoors and get rid of mosquito breeding sites near the home.

Weather permitting, operations will begin near sunset and last approximately one (1.5) and one - half hours.

During this period, only hypersensitive individuals or persons that wish to avoid all exposure to chemicals in the designated spray areas should refrain from outdoor activities; otherwise, all other citizens can proceed with normal outdoor activities.

Citizens will notice low flying aircraft --- If the aircraft is overhead DO NOT attempt to follow the path of the aircraft. The aircraft is traveling quickly and will be out of the area in a brief period.

Tuesday (9/24) evening, operations will focus on surrounding residential areas, specifically, Coteau Holmes,
Gondron, Loreauville.

Wednesday (9/24) City Park, Sugarena, Isle of Iberia and Downtown New Iberia, Sugar Mill Rd., Mullins Rd. and West Admiral Doyle Dr.

Thursday (9/26) Sugar Oaks, Vida Shaw, Daspit.

If you have any questions or mosquito related problems, feel free to contact their office at (337) 365-4933. You can also visit them on the web and click on “Mosquito Control”

For more information about West Nile Virus, ZIKA and pesticides for mosquito control please visit and

For information regarding pesticides (NaledÒ) used for aerial spraying visit or