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How the 72nd Delcambre Shrimp Festival is helping a dying industry

“Y'all just come out and have a great time. Like they say, ‘Laissez es bons temps rouler,' let the good times roll."
and last updated

IBERIA PARISH (DELCAMBRE) — “Me? I want fresh stuff, I don't want nothing that's been sitting on a 18-wheeler."

Imports. The greatest competition for local Delcambre shrimpers.

“The shrimping industry is at its all-time low right now, and it's horrible right now," said shrimper Cherie Boudreaux, who has owned more than 20 boats. “As a teenager, my ex-husband and I used to walk the docks of Delcambre, and we always said we were gonna get a shrimp boat one day."

Former shrimp processor, Dietrich, used to work with local shrimper Renee Gregois, on his boat known as the ‘Lil Man.'

“I used to shovel the shrimp off his boat when we had the processing plant, but what it is, the shrimp that's coming from out of state, overseas, the prices are so low the shrimpers can't really make it," he said.

“Shrimping is not easy," Cherie continued. "The imports are hurting the shrimpers a lot, we no longer have any ice house or shrimp house that buys shrimp from the boats anymore in Delcambre, it's shut-down."

Because of this, Cherie said shrimpers are going three to four hours out of their way to get ice, which costs significantly more than buying local.

“Whenever the shrimpers see all these people come out to support the shrimp festival, it just kinda gives the shrimpers a little bit of uplift, which they do need at this time."

“They don't know if they'll come back home," said Dietrich, "but they tryna make us happy, [and] survive for their family, but here you got these exports knocking prices down...These people can barely make it."

That's why he encourages the Acadiana community to come out to the Delcambre Shrimp Festival this week, and show support for local shrimpers.

“Y'all just come out and have a great time. Like they say, ‘Laissez es bons temps rouler,' let the good times roll."

The 72nd Delcambre Shrimp Festival runs from Aug. 14-18. For more information, click here.