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What You Need to Know about National Hydration Day

June 23rd is National Hydration Day-- A day that reminds us to stay hydrated, especially during the hot and humid summer months.

June 23rd is National Hydration Day—A day that serves as a reminder for everyone to stay hydrated and to monitor the amount of fluids you're putting into your body.

Jayden Dipple is studying biology and chemistry at The University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She said when she's not studying, she enjoys spending time in Girard Park, but she makes it a point to stay hydrated.

"I drink a lot of water," Dipple said. "My favorite thing is to drink those little electrolytes...I like to get smoothies and put the electrolytes in them."

Dipple said she probably drinks more water than most people her age and she likes to add lemons to her water also.

"I probably drink about six to seven cups a day," Dipple said. "I work in a restaurant so we drink a lot of water because it gets really hot."

According to the National Institutes of Health, 75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

Daphne Olivier, Owner of The Unconventional Dietitian in Lafayette said the human body is made up of about 70 percent of water, which has to be replenished, daily.

"The recommendation is half of your body weight in ounces of water or another way to think about it is sometimes, if you're a larger person, [drink] half of your desired body weight in ounces of water."

Olivier said she also recommends alternatives like popsicles and soups for people who may find it challenging to drink lots of water.