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Supreme Court hears President Biden's plan for student loan forgiveness

Student Loan Borrowers And Advocates Gather for People's Rally

IN LAFAYETTE — On Tuesday, a rally for student debt cancellation was seen outside the courthouse. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments about President Biden's plan to relieve student debt, which would affect an estimated 40 million people who qualify for the program-- which can forgive up to 20-thousand dollars per borrower.

Kat Welbeck, Director of Advocacy and Civil Rights Counsel at the Student Borrower Protection
Center who was at the rally, told KATC how this debt relief would be monumental. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, which left many students unable to pay back loans. The Federal Student Aid Department paused loan payments in response and set interest rates to 0% for eligible federal student loans.

"I've seen so many families so many individual borrowers struggling in this you know economic crisis in this global pandemic," said Welbeck. "This is an opportunity to provide that relief and also really create this offramp between economic distress we saw during the pandemic to get people back on track before we start repayment."

Julianna Porsche, an instructor at SLCC, said this bill being passed will help out certain professions.

"Especially when they are teachers and nurses and those careers, they are going into a career that helps people why not you know have some forgiveness they are contributing to society."

A student at SLCC, who will have to take out loans when she transfers to the University of Lafayette, said that all
students should get this extra help and advantage to further their careers

"I think student loans should definitely be forgiven because there are a lot of students that are working so hard and they don't necessarily have the resources that they need with classes being so expensive," says Elise Riley. "I think it would give a lot of students the break that needs to really succeed."

The Supreme Court is expected to announce a decision in late June.