NEW IBERIA — One of the big races on the ballot in Iberia Parish is the race for parish president.
Incumbent Larry Richard, who doesn't have a party affiliation, is facing a challenge from two Republicans: Joel Dugasand "Ronnie" Migues.
Candidate Joel Dugas is no stranger to politics, with ten years experience as a school board member and four as an Iberia Parish Councilman.
"The most important thing that makes me qualified for this job, I have raised five kids with a stay at home mom, so I know how to stay in a budget," Dugas said.

Political newcomer, Ronnie Miguez has been campaigning door to door, saying honesty is his best asset. "My father always told me, tell the people the truth and you'll never have to look over the shoulder," Migues said.
Current Parish President, Larry Richard is hopeful for another term, adding he won't need any on the job training.
"It's not something I need to learn, its something I'm heavily involved in," Richard said.
All three candidates agree the parish's budget is the top priority, but all have different ideas.
"We need to make sure we get the infrastructure where it needs to be, so we can bring in more businesses here. At the same time keep the businesses here, and build new houses," Richard said.
"People are still leaving Iberia Parish, coming to Youngsville, Lafayette, St. Martin, our mileages are lower than that, but we have nothing keeping people in the parish and that's what we have to work on," Miguez said.
"We have to develop neighborhoods, we have to make it easier for developers, if we can get people coming back in... the taxes is a huge chunk of our funds," Dugas said.