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Local artist uses broken tiles to fix sidewalks

Posted 9:43 PM, Jun 09, 2021
and last updated 12:08 AM, Jun 10, 2021

NEW IBERIA — Walking down Main Street in the last few days, you may have noticed something different. One artist has been working to fix the sidewalk one crack at a time using art.

The artist tells KATC when she realized how many cracks and blemishes were in the sidewalk along Main Street, she wanted to do something different and pretty.

For three days, Slyvia Madajewski sits in front of Shadows on the Teche, filling in a hole around a lamppost, using grout and tiles.

"It started as a little project and now people are getting into it, which makes me happy, and makes me feel like I'm not wasting my time, playing with cracks," Madajewski said.

She says the idea came after she saw something similar online.

"My friend sent me the article, and said you know, we have a lot of cracks in this town, and I have a lot of supplies," Madajewski said.

Madajewski hopes her work inspires others to join in, creating their own Mosaic art.

"Hopefully people will want to come and do their own, so I can have a little workshop over the weekend showing them how to do it, then let them go from there," Madajewski said. "You can use anything, I'm using tile and beads. You can use bottle caps, beer caps, those little McDonalds toys, that stuff never degrades."

We reached out to city officials about the unfixed cracks. We were told sidewalks only get fixed by the city if it is unusable. For this artist, the project is about creating something beautiful for the public to enjoy.

Follow her onFacebook here.