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Donations available for tornado victims in New Iberia

Free food, clothes and toiletries are being dispersed inside the Cyr Gates Community Center, located in New Iberia City Park this week.

It's been five days since a tornado changed the lives of several residents across New Iberia. As a result, employees from the New Iberia Parks & Recreation Department are partnering with volunteers to help give back to those in need of basic necessities.

This week, anyone looking for food, clothing and standard household items are encouraged to visit the Cyr Gates Community Center, located in New Iberia City Park.

Zack Mitchell is the Chairman of Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). He said he recognizes that there are many individuals still in need of shelter.

"Right now, we're working on from a city standpoint, as well as a parish standpoint working on getting aid to those people as well as you may know, a lot of mobile homes were impacted so those people are out and so there's a lot of effort and energy focusing on getting those people a place to stay and it's still in the works," Mitchell said.

New Iberia's Southport Subdivision and the Iberia Medical Center were severely damaged by the tornado's strong winds and violent impact.

This week, meteorologists and local officials suggest homeowners take whatever precautions they can, to help prevent their pipes from breaking.

"Those that are trying to repair their home and etc., need to secure their home and turn their water off, their gas off in this time of cold weather and let it pass and just be safe, concerning those things," Mitchell said.

Wallace Ozenne is a Supervisor for New Iberia Parks & Recreation Department. He said, these donations for the community are critical, right now.

"These donations are very important," Ozenne said. "Just think of being in a home with no running water and so forth and you've lost everything."

Ozenne says if anyone is in the position to lend a helping hand by dropping off donations, he encourages people to do so.

"It's very important that we assist these individuals because God has been good to those that the tornado didn't do any damage to their homes or damage to their families, but a lot of individuals in New Iberia and the surrounding area, received quite a bit of damage," Ozenne said.

Ozenne says donations are accepted and dispersed anytime, after 8 AM from now, until Wed., Dec. 21st.