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Crowley City Council holding pet owners accountable

The city is cracking down on picking up after your pet

CROWLEY, La. — The City Council will hold pet owners accountable for pet feces left on private or public property.

Owners would get a warning for the first offense and fines could follow if another penalty follows.

KATC spoke to one resident who lives by Levy Park where this issue has been a problem.

Charlie Martin took matters in to his own hands and supplied the park with "Pick Up After Your Dog" signs and even bought rolls of doggy bags to have at the park.

Martin tells KATC, he and other neighbors brought the idea up to the council after a young child stepped into dog excrement at the park while playing, and had no way of cleaning it up.

Martin ran over to his house and brought towels and wipes to help clean the distraught child, and his mother who was frustrated over the mess.

"You know kids were playing and stuff and there was dog mess in the park," says Martin. "So, I put the bags up one on this side and one on the north side of the park and basically, you know that reduced it a little bit. You still have people that really don't realize that they're doing it or don't care or whatever. So anyway, I got a little aggravated so I put the signs up."

Alderman Brad Core, who says residents in Crowley deserve to enjoy the public parks in the city with their children, without having to worry about someone else's mess.

"It's been on going issue, complaints from property owners and users from our public parks. I've had those issues reported to me in the last few years and it was time something was done to keep our pet owners responsible for picking up after their pets. I think this will encourage them to do so," said Core.

$100 dollar fines can be issued to those who have been found not picking up after their pet.