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Back to School Shoppers Should Be Mindful of Dangerous Car Temperatures

Temperatures are hitting record-high numbers this month and drivers should take precaution when it comes to vehicles.

As the 2023-2024 school year approaches, some people are making back-to-school purchases this weekend.

If you plan to do so, you may want to be mindful of how hot your car can get, especially during record-high temperatures.

"Park in the shade," Lafayette Resident, Trelon Lewis said. "You don't want to get your car over-heated because it's hot and you don't want to mess up anything under your hood."

According to the United States Department of Transportation, about one child is killed every, 10 days in a hot car.

However, there are several tips and precautions you can take to help keep your car cool.

Lafayette resident Daniel Trevino said the first step is simple.

"Take the car to be checked," Trevino said. "Have them [mechanics] do a complete check on it, including the air conditioner and make sure that you have plenty of anti-freeze in it."

Kim Sellers, Owner of Sellers Automotive Repair said the coolant should be changed every, other year in a vehicle.

"[The] coolant cools your air condition, freon is your air conditioner, it's gas, not a liquid," Sellers said. "Anti-freeze is like water, freon is a gas."