LAFAYETTE, La. — In their second annual Policing with a Purpose Community Walk, the Lafayette Police Department visited the intersection of Lamar Street and East Vermillion Street. Where they knocked on doors and took the time to hear each residents concerns and opinions.
One resident of over 15 years, is pleased the Lafayette Police Department is checking in on its citizens.
"I have no problem with the police knocking on my door, just to ask how things are going, that's for a healthy neighborhood, it's good I fully approve," said Patrick Myers.
Community walks like these, can help build trust and communication between the police force and the Lafayette community.
"We at LPD bridge the gap between law enforcement and the community," said Sergeant Robin Green. "This is the best way to foster this relationship by doing this community walk."
Myers told KATC, that one concern he brought up to LPD, was all the empty buildings around the neighborhood. Which he said led to an increase in break-ins and drug deals. He says this walk gives him an opportunity to voice his concerns.
"Communication is what it's about, if there is a problem and no one says anything or thinks nothing can be done, nothing will be done," said Myers.
Sgt. Green believes knowing your local officers, can make you feel comfortable for the next time you may need them.
"It's good to know the police officers because you never know when you're going to need us," said Sgt. Green. "So we want them to feel comfortable and that we are approachable, so that makes the relationship even stronger."
The next Policing with a Purpose Community Walk will be held on the South side of Lafayette in June.