CommunityFestival International


One band cancels Festival International plans

and last updated

Festival International de Louisiane is 41 days away and one band is already pulling the plug on its travel to Lafayette amid concerns of the coronavirus.

A Festival spokesperson told KATC that 47SOUL, a group from the Palestine, Jordan area made the tough decision to cancel because the group would have to quarantine upon reentering their country.
The group was set to perform on the SCÈNE TITO’S HANDMADE VODKA LAFAYETTE stage on the Saturday of Festival.

We're told Festival is reviewing a map of where their musicians are and their travel plans. A spokesperson said, "We want to get a full risk analysis to see what decisions need to be made. Our goal is mitigate risks."

Last week, Festival International executive director Scott Feehan said, "We are monitoring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as Louisiana Department of Health's websites for daily updates and are heeding their advice on proactive measures to take."

Festival is still planning to take place as it does every year.

Feehan went on to say, "In cooperation with public health officials, we will continue to monitor the situation and prepare for a safe and wonderful event at the end of April. We appreciate the concern from those who have reached out and intend to keep fans and the public updated if there are any changes with the ongoing production."

Thursday, The Wold Health Organization Director General said, "All countries must strike a fine balance between protecting health, preventing economic and social disruption, and respecting human rights."

Festival remains in constant contact with local, state and federal agencies.