It's fire prevention week nationwide, and even though we're taught how to prevent fires from a young age, all of the hazards are sometimes forgotten over time. To make sure we're all up to date on home and workplace safety, we caught up with Abbeville Fire Chief Mire.
"It doesn't take much for a fire to start," says Chief Mire.
Most Pre K and kindergarten students learn fire prevention in school, but that learning should be reinforced at home with stop drop and roll practice and planning for the worst.
"Go over with the kids a safe place if there is a fire in the house that they get in a safe place away from the house," says Mire, and for those who live alone and don't need a full family plan, at least be sure your smoke detectors are working.
"We like to ask them to change their batteries once a year. Its kind of a lot to change it but when the time changes, it's a good rule of thumb that they can change it at that time as just a reminder,"
Always turn the stove and oven off when you're done using them, unplug hot hair tools, and never cover extension cords with rugs. In the case of even the smallest fires Chief Mire says leave that job up to the professionals.
"Don't try to be a hero. Get out safely. Property can be replaced. a person can't be replaced," says Mire.